Garforth's Private Branch

aka Alma Street Private Branch

Garforth's Private Branch
Lower Peak Forest Canal

Tithe Map: 1850, Ref: EDT 143/2
Courtesy: Cheshire Archives & Local Studies

Garforth’s Private Branch took its name from Messrs W J & J Garforth, whose premises were situated alongside this branch in Dukinfield. The partnership consisted of three brothers, William Garforth (1799/1800-1874), John Garforth (1803/04-1850) and James Garforth (1805/06-1876), who were all born in Yorkshire. At some point the Garforth family moved to Dukinfield to establish their business, initially as John Garforth & Sons. They operated as engineers, ironfounders and cotton spinners. On the 21 Aug 1850, John Garforth resigned from the business and died shortly afterwards.

The 1851 census records that William and James were both living on Wharf St, Dukinfield. It also informs that the business was organised in two parts, employing 80 mechanics and iron founders in an engineering works and 60 men, 83 women, 20 boys and 40 girls in a cotton spinning mill.

In 1856 this company ventured into coal mining when it commenced sinking shafts at Lord’s Fields, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Benjamin Miller was appointed as the superintendent of works. This opened on the 27 Jan 1858 as the Lords Field Company, later becoming the Lords Field Colliery Company. The 1861 census records that Benjamin Miller (1805/06-1875) was born in Yorkshire and that he was living in Turner St, Ashton-under-Lyne, which is close to the colliery on the opposite side of the railway line. He recorded his occupation as a colliery underlooker. Lords Field Colliery was located near the modern placename of Cranbrook Gardens off the east side of Oldham Rd.

The opening of the colliery was reported in the Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 30 Jan 1858.

Lords Field Colliery

Some interest was manifested on Wednesday (27 Jan 1858) by parties who went to witness the getting of the first load of coal obtained from the above pit. The colliery is situate within a few hundred yards of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Station at Ashton (Oldham Road Station) and is likely to be of great service to the locality. The pit was commenced in Aug 1856 and is sunk on a piece of land known as Lord's Fields*.

After obtaining a depth of 64 yards the miners came to a gravel bed 8 feet in thickness and here they met with a spring of water which came upon them at the rate of from 12,000 to 14,000 gallons per hour and increased to 18,000 gallons at which rate it has since continued to flow. On getting through the bed of gravel they went through hard rock for a distance of 60 yards. They were enabled to do by two large and very efficient engines having been put down, one of 200 horsepower. These were kept constantly at work day and night pumping out the water. At a depth of only 140 yards they came to what is termed the ‘Great Mine’, which is 6-feet thick, of good clear coal, suitable for household or engine purpose. It is expected that the men will be able to get to the bottom of Roger Mine, which is about 30 yards lower, by Whitsuntide. This mine, which is 4-feet thick, is the same seam of coal as that got by the Dunkirk Coal Company in Dukinfield and has only been very partially worked on any part of the Earl of Stamford's estates. It is considered to be the best which this district supplies.

The contiguity (bordering) of the above colliery to Ashton will save much carriage and prove highly advantageous to the public. The projected line of railway from Ashton to Oldham will, if made, come within a very short distance from the new pit.

The proprietors, Messrs Garforth’s of Dukinfield, the eminent machinists, have spared no expense in putting up the best engines and other machinery suitable to make the works complete in every respect. Mr Benjamin Miller has superintended the works.

The new bridge erected over the river Tame, connecting Dukinfield with Ashton, was erected chiefly to enable the manufacturers to obtain coal from the collieries in Dukinfield now, however, they will be supplied with the same description of coal almost at their own mill doors in Ashton.

The underground spring water mentioned in the newspaper report finally proved to be an insoluble problem to control as the workings were subjected to constant flooding and consequently Lords Field Colliery closed in 1875.