Coal mining was a dangerous occupation and this page records the names of some of the miners who lost their lives in the course of their work
in the coal mines of Denton and Haughton.
The men listed were all coal miners, that is, hewers of coal unless stated otherwise, and this selection is representative of a larger number.
- Denton Colliery
- 29 Mar 1849: George LEES, 16 years. Coal fall from face.
- 28 Aug 1849: Ralph URMSTON, 50 years. Banksman. Fell down shaft.
- 13 Nov 1849: John ATKINSON, 18 years. Roof fall in Big Mine.
- 13 Nov 1849: George SIDEBOTTOM, 20 years. Roof fall in Big Mine.
- 15 May 1851: Nathan ATKINSON, 24 years. Coal fall from face.
- 19 May 1854: George KNOWLES, 50 years. Crushed by drums while adjusting the shaft ropes.
- 23 Mar 1855: William ANDREW, 58 years? Roof fall.
- 23 Mar 1855: Reuben EDGE, 43 years. Roof fall.
- 19 Oct 1855: William MOORES, 15 years. Roof fall.
- 30 Jun 1856: John MERRICK, 36 years. Crushed in attempting to enter a cage in motion.
- 15 Nov 1860: John Henry BOWKER, 11 years. Drawer (Waggoner). Fell off a coal tub that he had laid hold of as it was going up a brow.
- 10 Jul 1865: George COOKE, 37 years. Roof fall while working in the Jet Amber Mine.
- 18 Jan 1866: John HANDFORD, 46 years. Top coal falling in Big Mine.
- 9 Feb 1866: James DOWNING, 20 years. Coal fall in the Big Mine.
- 8 Oct 1866: Joseph WARR, 14 years. Waggoner at Burton Nook (Denton Colliery). Crushed while getting into the cage to ascend the shaft.
- 19 Jan 1870: William WALKER, 15 years. Taker-off. Breakage of a jig-brow rope let the balance coal tub run against him.
- 3 Mar 1870: William COOKE, 19 years. Waggoner. Roof fall in Big Mine.
- 25 Sep 1871: James MOORES, 57 years. Roof fall as he was taking down coal in a level.
- 3 Apr 1879: John WOLSTENHOLME, 50 years. A large roof fall breaking the props down in pillar work (block area of coal being worked).
- 28 Apr 1879: John TAYLOR, 41 years. Brakeman on Denton Colliery Tramway. Fatally injured when he was struck by a bridge as the waggon he was riding on passed under it.
Died in Manchester Royal Infirmary.
- 5 Jul 1883: John HARRISON, 65 years. Burton Nook (Denton Colliery). Explosion of cartridge ignited by a candle.
- 20 Apr 1886: Samuel LANGTON, 49 years. Burton Nook (Denton Colliery). Roof fall in Roger Mine.
- 15 Mar 1887: John INMAN, 29 years. Burton Nook (Denton Colliery). Coal fall from face.
- 11 Apr 1892: Joseph PARKINSON, 66 years. Large stone in roof fell on him.
- 24 Aug 1894: William ANDREW, 52 years. Roof fall.
- 12 Jul 1895: Joseph HARRISON, 17 years. Crushed by a tub.
- 18 Nov 1898: Noah WALKER, 45 years. Roof fall.
- 24 Sep 1906: Benjamin James CHERRY, 25 years. Roof fall.
- 26 Jul 1912: Robert DAY, 26 years. Filler. Coal fall from face in Big Mine.
- 18 Feb 1913: David RICHARDSON, 41 years. Runaway tubs.
- 7 Jul 1913: James LLOYD, 47 years. Coal fall from face in Big Mine.
- 3 Mar 1914: Richard BERRY, 55 years. Coal fall from face.
- 23 Aug 1917: John KAY, 63 years. Fatally injured on the 26 Jul 1917 by a roof fall.
- 26 Jun 1918: Frank GRATTON, 16 years. Jigger. Crushed by coal tubs.
- 21 Oct 1919: William McKAY, 65 years. Denton Colliery Manager. Crushed by tubs causing fatal head injury. Philip Lloyd, the Under-Manager, was injured.
- 19 Jun 1920: William Lincoln Rhodes FINNEY, 36 years. Browman. Killed by runaway tubs.
- 26 Aug 1924: George RIGGS, 65 years. Cut caused sceptic poisoning.
- Top Pit, Denton
- 7 Jan 1846: John WESTWOOD, 27 years. Accidentally killed.
- 13 Feb 1848: George Williamson, 41 years. Injuries from the fall of a large stone.
- 25 Jul 1875: Robert PEPPER, 43 years. Platelayer. Fatally injured on 22 Jul 1875 by waggons crushing him against bank walling.
- Great Wood Pit, Denton
- 15 May 1851: Nathan ATKINSON, 24 years. Roof fall while holing (drilling).
- 8 Apr 1874: James HEYWOOD, 35 years. Dayman. Roof falling as he was clearing a previous fall.
- 19 Jan 1876: Aaron STANSFIELD, 44 years. Caught between a coal tub and the roof as he was ripping dirt.
- 30 May 1882: William EADES, 22 years. Hooker-on. Roof stone slid 150 yards down the engine brow and killed him.
- Horse Hole Pit, Denton
- 13 May 1846: Thomas SEDDON, 52 years. Killed by a stone falling on him while sinking a coal pit.
- Albert Pit, Haughton
- 11 Jun 1878: John HIGHTON. Coal fall in Big Mine broke his leg.
- Parsonage Pit, Haughton
- 7 Nov 1882: Jacob SLATER, 58 years. Drift from face where taking down.
- 7 Jan 1884: Samuel COPE, 67 years. Struck by loose rope.
- 7 Jan 1884: John HOLDING, 45 years. Struck by loose rope.
- Broomstair Colliery, Haughton
- 23 May 1859: Aaron STANSFIELD, 65 years. Assistant underlooker. Crushed by a tub.
- 4 Nov 1859: James ADSHEAD, 23 years. Roof fall in Big Mine.
- Nov 1873: William KNOTT, 16 years. Waggoner. Fatally injured on 25 Sep 1873 by coal falling from high side of level in which he was working.
Died in Manchester Royal Infirmary.
- 11 May 1877: William WRIGHT, 62 years. Hooker-on. Crushed by tubs.
- 11 Jul 1884: Joseph LEIGH, 12 years. Taker-off. Coal fall.
- 17 Jun 1885: Henry NEWTON 52 years. Roof fall.
- 11 May 1886: John Thomas ROWBOTTOM, 13 years. Jigger. Run over by a tub.
- 17 Oct 1887: Joel GEE, 24 years. Dayman. Roof fall caused by pony catching a prop.
- 10 Jan 1890: David JOHNSON, 54 years. Working in the Roger Mine on the 1 Jan 1890 he was fatally injured by coal falling down further than he expected when taking it down.
- 22 Jul 1890: Robert REDFERN, 30 years. Dayman. Rock fall from roof.
- 16 Dec 1893: Joseph HAGUE, 42 years. Roof fall.
- 23 Jan 1895: Enoch STOPFORD, 22 years. Struck by falling piece of roof.
- 22 May 1895: James BARTON, 33 years. Injury unclear.
- 7 Jan 1898: Hugh JONES, 68 years. Roof fall in drawing road 14 yards from working face. From a break caused by weighting. He was in a safe place when the alarm was raised but ran under the roof.
- 23 Jun 1898: Alfred WELLS, 40 years. Coal fall from face.
- Haughton Colliery
- 5 Aug 1855: John FAZAKERLEY (or FAZAKERLY), 54 years. Fatally injured on 31 Jul 1855 by a roof fall.
Died in Manchester Royal Infirmary.
- 13 Nov 1860: John BAINES, 52 years. Roof fall in the Hard Mine.
- 18 Jan 1865: Thomas ANDREW, 63 years. Fatally injured on 11 Nov 1864 while working in the Hard Mine. Bin earth (waste) fell on him.
- 27 Jun 1868: John STANSFIELD, 36 years. Deputy Fireman. Run over by a waggon that a 14-year-old boy let go on the jig brow in the Peacock Mine.
Died in Manchester Royal Infirmary.
- 12 Dec 1870: William BARDSLEY, 61 years. Fell down and suddenly died in a horse gin race.
- 24 Apr 1872: Ellis HARTLEY, 58 years. While working in the Great Mine he was caught by a coal tub in the jig brow.
- 27 Sep 1872: Samuel ANDREW, 73 years. Dirt and coal falling on him in the Hard Mine because sprags were not set.
- Victoria Colliery (aka Nibble and Clink Pit), Haughton Green
- 2 Nov 1872: Thomas HAGUE, 55 years. Roof fall as he was getting coal for the furnace.
- 20 Jul 1881: Mrs Martha SALE née DOWNS: 33 years. Committed suicide by jumping down the shaft.